
05:04 <Loqi> https://twitter.com/AppC_QA :: Q&amp;A - Geoloqi Alloy http://t.co/VskbURmQM0
08:43 patrickarlt joined #geoloqi
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14:19 doogs joined #geoloqi
14:21 <doogs> hi all - not getting android push notifications b/ I believe I don't have GCM set up correctly... if I run "message/send" via curl I get this response which seems like my issue... {"result":"no_devices_registered","devices":0,"user":"Doogle","user_id":"mjL"} ... any ideas
14:53 patrickarlt joined #geoloqi
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17:00 patrickarlt joined #geoloqi
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23:15 <Loqi> https://twitter.com/geoloqi :: RT @EsriPDX: The Next Web Europe 2013 - Thursday Apr 25 http://thenextweb.com/conference/europe/ with @kenichi_pdx