
01:24 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/Geonieuws :: #Geointernational : Esri’s Geoloqi Acquisition: Why?:
01:28 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/ramalakshmi1985 :: Esri’s Geoloqi Acquisition: Why?: Last week Esri announced at its European User Conference that it had acquired ... http://www.directionsmag.com/podcasts/esris-geoloqi-acquisition-why/285978?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
01:28 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/GISTidings :: Esri’s Geoloqi Acquisition: Why?: Last week Esri announced at its European User Conference that it had acquired ... http://www.directionsmag.com/podcasts/esris-geoloqi-acquisition-why/285978?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
01:56 notus joined #geoloqi
02:22 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/dersteppen :: “@directionsmag: #Esri’s #Geoloqi #Acquisition: Why? http://www.directionsmag.com/podcasts/esris-geoloqi-acquisition-why/285978 #lbs” / solo falta que ESRI compre a Mapbox #shitHappens
03:52 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/GIS_Feed :: Planet Geospatial: Directions Magazine: Esri’s Geoloqi Acquisition: Why?: Last week Esri announced at its Europe... http://www.directionsmag.com/podcasts/esris-geoloqi-acquisition-why/285978?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
04:26 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/TamarSARAGA :: M&amp;A: ESRI (GIS) Acquires Geoloqi, Location &amp
04:26 <Loqi> Mapping solutions
04:50 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/gary_hayden :: Geoloqi’s Amber Case on Esri Acquisition: ‘Just Made Sense’ | Street Fight http://streetfightmag.com/2012/10/16/geoloqis-amber-case-on-esri-acquisition-just-made-sense/
05:23 se7h joined #geoloqi
05:58 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/jsteffenson :: Sensors &amp
06:50 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/zjorge :: “@frr149: Replacing MapKit with ArcGIS http://developers.geoloqi.com/ios/maps” Yo estoy evaluando http://MapBox.com
07:00 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/incestchat :: Karlyn Musso liked Geoloqi - A secure, real-time mobile and web platform for location sharing.: Your location will… http://imvl.com/33110760193103
07:17 se7h joined #geoloqi
08:18 patrickarlt joined #geoloqi
08:35 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
08:48 merrihew joined #geoloqi
09:16 patrickarlt joined #geoloqi
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09:28 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/nautical_charts :: #GIS, Esri CEO Dangermond Answers a Few Questions on the Geoloqi Acquisition http://www.sensysmag.com/dialog/interviews/28449-dangermond-answers-a-few-questions-on-the-geoloqi-acquisition.html Geospatial Mobile #LBS via @SensorsSystems
09:49 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
09:54 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
10:08 hsoj_ joined #geoloqi
11:06 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
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11:30 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/MundoGEO :: English | Esri and Geoloqi to bring next-generation location to mobile and web apps: Esri, the world leader in g... http://mundogeo.com/en/blog/2012/10/23/esri-and-geoloqi-to-bring-next-generation-location-to-mobile-and-web-apps/?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed
12:00 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/SkipCody :: Esri’s Geoloqi Acquisition: Why? http://www.directionsmag.com/podcasts/esris-geoloqi-acquisition-why/285978 #gis #esri #geolocation
12:02 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
12:22 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/zeynebinan :: Inside Geoloqi's Unusual (&amp
12:56 se7h joined #geoloqi
13:08 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/WordzWizard :: Take that VC's! &gt;&gt
13:08 <Loqi> Inside Geoloqi's Unusual (&amp
13:13 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
13:41 hsoj_ joined #geoloqi
13:53 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
14:10 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
14:16 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/oenorg :: OEN recently talked w/ @Geoloqi Co-founder Amber Case about where they've been &amp
15:10 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/pinkygonzales :: Inside Geoloqi's Unusual (&amp
16:26 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/jerrysievert :: @coderoshi @geoloqi @thoward37 that was an accidental shot!
16:26 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/coderoshi :: @jerrysievert I'm not going back to @geoloqi without a signed treaty banning projectile weapons @thoward37
16:28 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/coderoshi :: @jerrysievert we'll let Geneva decide that one @geoloqi @thoward37
17:15 patrickarlt joined #geoloqi
17:30 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/othiym23 :: @stevel @caseorganic uhhh Steve Mann / Thad Starner / location-based notifications / evolution of realtime location-based services / Geoloqi
17:36 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/othiym23 :: I don’t think I really got Geoloqi before. There’s a lot of incredibly cool (and simple!) stuff in there. #realtimeconf
17:38 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/ralphm :: Cool presentation on @geoloqi by @caseorganic. Reminds me of @mankins and Location Linked Information http://alumni.media.mit.edu/~mankins/lli/ #realtimeconf
17:40 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/thoward37 :: @coderoshi @jerrysievert @geoloqi @thoward37 Pro-tip: You can see the hallway from the elevator in the window reflections on the west wall
17:46 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
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21:00 caseorganic joined #geoloqi