
04:44 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/dzbeitz :: Inside Geoloqi's Unusual (&amp
04:54 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/BEITZandDAIGH :: Inside Geoloqi's Unusual (&amp
05:02 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/eluntw :: http://www.Esri.com adquiere la plataforma Geoloqi, y ya trabajan para ofrecer una librería alternativa de mapas para iOS
05:28 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/kevinyien :: "When people celebrate taking in $5 million, it's like celebrating taking a bank loan to buy a banana."http://www.inc.com/christine-lagorio/amber-case-geoloqi-acquired-by-esri.html via @prismatic
05:28 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/hydrography :: #GIS, Esri CEO Dangermond Answers a Few Questions on the Geoloqi Acquisition http://www.sensysmag.com/dialog/interviews/28449-dangermond-answers-a-few-questions-on-the-geoloqi-acquisition.html Geospatial Mobile #LBS via @SensorsSystems
05:54 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/matthdown :: Inside Geoloqi's Unusual (&amp
06:00 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/DaleLoberger :: Inside Geoloqi's Unusual (&amp
06:00 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/jsteffenson :: Inside Geoloqi's Unusual (&amp
06:02 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/cburan :: Geoloqi help developers integrate location features http://www.readwriteweb.com/start/2012/10/better-than-getting-rich-quick-startup-geoloqi-joins-esri-for-the-long-haul.php @RWW #locationservices #mobile #apps #maps #geolocation #geofence
06:38 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/briantimoney :: A honeymoon without a pre-nup: "Case says she and her team have no lock-up time period" http://www.inc.com/christine-lagorio/amber-case-geoloqi-acquired-by-esri.html #esri
07:12 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
07:50 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/jonasthanatos :: "Inside Geoloqi's Unusual (&amp
08:14 patrickarlt joined #geoloqi
08:23 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
08:40 notus joined #geoloqi
08:40 <notus> hi all
08:41 <notus> is any one here ?
08:49 patrickarlt joined #geoloqi
09:07 hsoj_ joined #geoloqi
09:16 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/burhan :: "When people celebrate taking in $5 million, it's like celebrating taking a bank loan to buy a banana." http://www.inc.com/christine-lagorio/amber-case-geoloqi-acquired-by-esri.html
09:38 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/jenlankford :: @MayorSamAdams @caseorganic @geoloqi Thanks for the shout out, Mister Mayor!
10:15 hsoj__ joined #geoloqi
10:28 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
10:32 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
10:44 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
11:23 hsoj_ joined #geoloqi
12:20 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/ohmylaundry :: Has anyone gotten @geoloqi 's Geonotes to work? Want to use location-based messages to remind myself/friends when we come across a place.
13:10 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
14:03 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/energyGIS :: Inside Geoloqi's Unusual (&amp
14:03 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/wubledoo :: Kudos to the team @MergerTech that advised us on @geoloqi's deal with @esri. Good people- look them up if you're buying or selling.
14:26 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/arekdrozda :: Interesting insights into the deal: ESRI Acquires Geoloqi... Geo-what? http://www.gpsbusinessnews.com/ESRI-Acquires-Geoloqi-Geo-what_a3902.html
14:26 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
14:39 se7h joined #geoloqi
15:21 patrickarlt joined #geoloqi
15:31 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
15:51 merrihew joined #geoloqi
17:04 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/pmnjk :: The Portland startup with the best website just got bought out: https://t.co/a93dwI0H
18:32 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/Tech2IPO :: #Tech2IPO 地理信息公司Esri收购波兰创业公司Geoloqi,将推出iOS端地图库 http://tech2ipo.com/56129
18:34 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/jenlankford :: Celebrating the acquisition with @geoloqi today. Esribody is very excited!! http://twitter.com/jenlankford/status/259104827261456386/photo/1
18:48 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/ajturner :: rooftop party with the new coworkers @geoloqi (@ Departure Restaurant &amp
19:26 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/hksiliconiphone :: 地理信息公司Esri收購波蘭創業公司Geoloqi,將推出iOS端地圖庫: Esri於本周宣布收購波蘭地理應用創業公司Geoloqi。Geoloqi成立於2010年,他們為移動應用開發者提供API,使得開發者可以非常容易的在... http://www.hksilicon.com/kb/articles/95023/EsriGeoloqiiOS?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
19:54 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/davelewand :: 'The best technology is invisible' - Amber Case, co-founder and CEO of Geoloqi (recently acquired by Esri) #GIS #ArcGIS
21:58 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
22:55 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
23:28 <Loqi> http://twitter.com/iheartcrowds :: @ajturner @geoloqi @reidab congrats on your new teammates!