
04:18 <@johnassel> Nächster Halt: Dortmund Airport http://t.co/VkLIJcGH
04:30 <@powerdan> Test / Aufm Weg zum Flughafen ein bissl rumschauen http://t.co/GEI3uizH
04:51 blk_ joined #geoloqi
05:16 Wraithan joined #geoloqi
05:31 Wraithan joined #geoloqi
05:40 Wraithan joined #geoloqi
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06:06 rknLA_ joined #geoloqi
06:19 Wraithan joined #geoloqi
07:32 slall joined #geoloqi
07:33 <slall> Hi I was wondering if someone could help me through getting anon users subscribed to public layers
08:27 nohorse joined #geoloqi
08:30 blk joined #geoloqi
09:48 <@caseorganic> @davidmckelvey @aaronpk @geoloqi Thanks for the question! We got them from http://t.co/RDEUI4JR
10:00 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
10:22 <@mlmlmn> #geoloqi tracking seems intermittant and unpredictable
10:38 starbuckt joined #geoloqi
11:02 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
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16:21 <@twaddington> @paulcpederson everyone at Geoloqi is using Sublime Text 2 except me. Good option if you're not a VIM or Emacs person: http://t.co/nuxpqmzB
16:56 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
20:11 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
22:23 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
22:51 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
22:59 <@AndroidAtSO> How to notify user when he enter into some region using Geoloqi API?: In my Android app i used Geoloqi API for g... http://t.co/0KQgyp2G