
07:26 <@manolo_almagro> Heading out! Track me on Geoloqi! http://t.co/fWGZpm3O
08:09 patrickarlt joined #geoloqi
08:14 <@johnassel> @AkkiMoto @radtourer Geoloqi wäre cool, aber schwierig zu realisieren, braucht Unmengen an Strom.
08:49 blk joined #geoloqi
10:18 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
10:19 starbuckt joined #geoloqi
10:26 <@farman> @caseorganic My students had a blast playing MapAttack! yesterday. Here's our course syllabus if you're interested: http://t.co/x3ejXDrL
10:27 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
11:14 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
11:19 rknLA joined #geoloqi
11:32 <@BrunoGebarski> 6 Tech Themes To Watch | Fast Company http://t.co/IUZrkxjq #SoMoLo (Social Mobile Local) & http://t.co/ftZejGWr #geolocation
12:14 FrankP joined #geoloqi
12:24 <@AGoodHusband> . @Geoloqi showed me this wiki about Courthouse square because I was close by. How cool is that? http://t.co/t8qcgmgV
12:26 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
14:28 <@Triaki7> @playmapattack Wish I'd known this yesterday...
14:52 <@lamberty> Heading out! Track me on Geoloqi! http://t.co/P5aOV9fr
16:01 tylergillies joined #geoloqi
16:01 blk joined #geoloqi
16:01 starbuckt joined #geoloqi
16:01 FrankP joined #geoloqi
16:01 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
16:01 patrickarlt joined #geoloqi
16:01 Wraithan joined #geoloqi
16:01 aaronpk joined #geoloqi
16:01 reidab joined #geoloqi
16:32 <@JeffreyKaine> @SamHowat @geoloqi may have what you're looking for?
16:40 <@SamHowat> @JeffreyKaine Thanks man, @geoloqi looks legit. Any others I should be aware of? Most of what I find is CRAP.
18:24 <@mitensampat> @caseorganic btw, long time no see. hope all is well with Geoloqi crew
22:16 Loqi joined #geoloqi
22:17 kyledrake joined #geoloqi