
06:54 patrickarlt joined #geoloqi
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09:10 <@caseorganic> @mappingmashups Thanks for asking. I'd really like to make a Geoloqi layer where it posts the dinosaurs that lived at your current location.
09:21 blk joined #geoloqi
09:24 <@caseorganic> @n_quinlan We took all of the geocoded wikipedia articles and imported them into Geoloqi, so when you walk around you get Wikipedia articles
09:24 <@caseorganic> @n_quinlan I'd like to make a layer in Geoloqi so that when you travel places, you get the data about the dinos that lived there before you.
09:26 <@caseorganic> @n_quinlan Geoloqi can handle really large datasets, so the size of the dataset is not an issue at all - the lat, longs are harder to find.
09:58 blk joined #geoloqi
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10:02 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
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10:34 <@patrickarlt> OH @geoloqi, "How many dinosaurs are in this dataset?"
10:59 starbuckt joined #geoloqi
12:09 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
14:27 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
15:42 <@kyledrake> This script imports a giant list of discovered Dinosaurs into @geoloqi and tells you when you're near them! https://t.co/6ZLMVqYi
15:48 <@ryanlecompte> @kyledrake @geoloqi Did you mean %w{a e i o u}.include?(dino[:name][0].downcase) instead of "%w{aeiou}" ?
15:50 <@kyledrake> @ryanlecompte @geoloqi Thanks! I just added that at the last moment, haven't tested it (was doing that right now)
15:50 <@kyledrake> Here's the @geoloqi Dinosaurs layer in the editor! http://t.co/ipuQhsgY
16:46 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
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18:16 Schuyler joined #geoloqi
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