
07:25 patrickarlt joined #geoloqi
08:49 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
08:53 blk joined #geoloqi
09:46 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
10:01 plamb- joined #geoloqi
14:58 <@nickjamespdx> @aaronpk good to chat last night, looking forward to my pre-order and more Geoloqi news.
15:10 <@idleglory> @stephaniehobson it was nice meeting you too! (●∩ω∩●)人(*´д、`)/" definitely mayb more geo-location happy! via @geoloqi @caseorganic @aaronpk
19:00 <@kyledrake> @Geoloqi has released an instant-install tool to allow @SimpleGeo devs to automatically transfer their data to Geoloqi https://t.co/7zXGdDRD
19:32 <@pkbot> Posted a photo: Calagator Venues in Geoloqi http://t.co/lcleKe6h [Flickr]
19:32 patrickarlt joined #geoloqi
21:16 patrickarlt joined #geoloqi
21:58 <@geoloqi> Just released an instant-install tool allowing devs on @SimpleGeo to automatically transfer their data to Geoloqi! https://t.co/ISmPk2Ho
22:04 <@bradhe> The definition of #winning RT @geoloqi Just released instant-install tool allowing devs on @SimpleGeo to auto transfer data to Geoloqi!
22:10 kyledrake joined #geoloqi
22:36 <@siliconflorist> When one door closes… @Geoloqi offers a new tool to help @SimpleGeo customers transition http://t.co/BJHJ8KgU
22:38 <@caseorganic> When one door closes… @Geoloqi offers a new tool to help @SimpleGeo customers transition http://t.co/QFcaIEvX (via @siliconflorist)
22:40 <@Ewok_BBQ> When one door closes… Geoloqi offers a new tool to help SimpleGeo customers transition http://t.co/T6bYzeQD #pdx #news
22:44 <@adambrault> Great to see the amazing @geoloqi folks picking up the pieces for disappointed @simplegeo customers. http://t.co/eBxCLq0H