
08:37 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
13:36 <@oneorangemonkey> @geoloqi i keep seeing geoloqi is open source - is there an option to self host the server? thanks:)
13:50 <@geoloqi> @oneorangemonkey We realized we can provide a better service if we can focus on building our web app and developer tools instead.
13:50 <@geoloqi> @oneorangemonkey Last year we had a way to self-host the server but nobody was really using it or interested in it. Decided to re-prioritize
13:54 <@oneorangemonkey> @geoloqi also good work by the way ;)
13:54 <@oneorangemonkey> @geoloqi is the code still available - the hosted version is great for 60% of our needs but some clients require all services in house
14:48 darknoon joined #geoloqi
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15:08 Patrick joined #geoloqi
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16:08 Patrick joined #geoloqi
16:53 Patrick joined #geoloqi
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21:29 Patrick joined #geoloqi
22:27 Patrick joined #geoloqi
22:39 caseorganic joined #geoloqi