
08:46 <@caseorganic> @HenrikJoreteg @adambrault Great to meet you last night! Thanks for playing @mapattack and for the dinner as well. What a blast!
08:55 blk joined #geoloqi
09:10 <@hjon> @caseorganic But they may have added that since I worked with it. By the way, @mapattack looks pretty neat!
09:12 <@caseorganic> @mapattack Do you still want your account? We'd love to move @playmapattack over to @mapattack. Let me know if you're still using Twitter.
09:48 <@playmapattack> Awesome impromptu game of @playmapattack last night with @adambrault and @henrikjoreteg of @krtconf! Picture: http://t.co/kJA93CtF
10:24 <@casebot> Caseorganic published a photo: Game Tied!: caseorganic posted a photo:
10:24 <@casebot> Caseorganic published a photo: MapAttack! Gameplay with the @andyet team at PIE!: caseorganic posted a photo:
10:24 <@casebot> Caseorganic published a photo: MapAttack! Gameplay with the @andyet team at PIE!: caseorganic posted a photo:
11:20 plamb joined #geoloqi
11:40 <@grigs> Apple Releases Find My Friends http://t.co/TA2IcUle Sounds similar to @geoloqi
11:44 <@caseorganic> jensmccabe: Will you be around for HealthCamp in Portland? @geoloqi is sponsoring. http://t.co/JvwAYvzS
13:21 plamb- joined #geoloqi
13:47 plamb joined #geoloqi
14:02 <@pkbot> Posted a photo: MapAttack at WhereCamp PDX 2011 http://t.co/GdtSKZci [Flickr]
14:04 <@justagwailo> Track me on Geoloqi! http://t.co/hWa9YwLI
15:18 aaronpk joined #geoloqi
16:34 plamb- joined #geoloqi
17:37 kyledrake-confer joined #geoloqi
18:07 kyledrak_ joined #geoloqi
18:28 kyledrake-confer joined #geoloqi
19:18 plamb joined #geoloqi
19:34 <@aaronamstutz> Running my errands by bike and playing with @geoloqi, so much fun!
20:30 <@DendraZeibren> At home! Track me on Geoloqi! http://t.co/sJJQ08Ce
21:18 plamb- joined #geoloqi