
02:48 <@Marsattac> Geoloqi launches MapAttack! ... | Geoloqi Blog | @scoopit via @casebot http://t.co/SIYwmtb
02:52 <@mr_lbs> Geoloqi launches MapAttack! ... | Geoloqi Blog | @scoopit via @casebot http://t.co/SIYwmtb http://bit.ly/gxnhN2
05:20 <@n4trqjedi> Automatically checked in from @geoloqi! (@ 7-Eleven) http://4sq.com/gYtgHK
06:04 <@n4trqjedi> Automatically checked in from @geoloqi! (@ Azalea Service Center) http://4sq.com/gvsaEr
07:46 <@tedder42> @geoloqi are there release notes for the new android version? I didn't see inything in the Market description :-/
07:50 <@geoloqi> @tedder42 Should be listed under recent changes: "Added a link to browse a list of Geoloqi Layers and subscribe from the app."
08:32 <@tedder42> @geoloqi rtfm fail- thanks!
08:36 plamb joined #geoloqi
08:43 workshop joined #geoloqi
10:00 <@n4trqjedi> Automatically checked in from @geoloqi! (@ 7-Eleven) http://4sq.com/hbabA2
10:02 <@urbanairship> Geoloqi launches MapAttack! a real-time location-based mobile gaming platform of awesomeness http://bit.ly/gcQ4FM
10:36 <@n4trqjedi> Automatically checked in from @geoloqi! (@ Wachovia) http://4sq.com/dTvkE2
10:42 MarkDilley joined #geoloqi
11:22 <@tedder42> @loqisaur rawr to you, loquisaur!
11:48 <@unixland> RT @tedder42: @geoloqi rtfm fail- thanks!
13:06 <@PDXsays> @jeffreyrbunch U C @caseorganic announce Friday that she is going full time w/ @geoloqi and speaking engagements? cc @OregonBusiness
13:34 <@voostru> Heading out! Track me on Geoloqi! http://loqi.me/50yVcnR
13:52 <@justagwailo> For the next 10 minutes, track me on Geoloqi! http://loqi.me/2ZCF6bK
14:04 <@justagwailo> Another 10 minutes. Why not?! http://loqi.me/Hr961t_
15:10 workshop joined #geoloqi
16:17 workshop joined #geoloqi
16:28 <@pmark> Heading to #where2.0! Track me on geoloqi, then drink beer with me and talk about AR. http://loqi.me/sjLY_AF
16:42 <@n4trqjedi> Automatically checked in from @geoloqi! (@ Hong Kong House) http://4sq.com/hpmK57
17:04 <@jeffreyrbunch> @PDXsays: Did not see that about @caseorganic @geoloqi. Thank you!
17:08 workshop joined #geoloqi
19:24 <@carriemoore> @alisonhallett it isn't built for runners, but it is super accurate: http://geoloqi.com/ built by Amber Case.
20:11 kyledrake-home joined #geoloqi
20:40 <@aaronpk> On Caltrain heading down to Santa Clara for #where20! Follow me on Geoloqi! http://loqi.me/6EnZ_v5
20:44 <@aaronpk_sv> P\u00E5 Caltrain väg ner till Santa Clara för # where20 ! Följ mig p\u00E5 Geoloqi ! http://loqi.me/6EnZ_v5
20:44 <@aaronpk_es> En Caltrain bajando a Santa Clara para where20 # ! Sígueme en Geoloqi ! http://loqi.me/6EnZ_v5
20:44 <@aaronpk_de> Am Caltrain hinunter nach Santa Clara für # where20 ! Folgen Sie mir auf Geoloqi ! http://loqi.me/6EnZ_v5
20:56 <@caseorganic> @TysonCecka Makes sense. That's how the original @geoloqi looked when it was just bare-bones and no UI.
22:42 <@nambor> Added "Non-Visual Augmented Reality & Evaporation of the Interface by Parecki & Case - 2011" #ARUX http://ht.ly/4D5zu #geoloqi #SXSW #audio
23:26 <@genebecker> RT @nambor: Added "Non-Visual Augmented Reality & Evaporation of the Interface by Parecki & Case - 2011" #ARUX http://ht.ly/4D5zu #geoloqi #SXSW #audio