
06:10 <@kablukiw> Presentation went well last night at #pdxviz ! Nice pres on geoloqi, interaction un-design, and Super 8 e-learning. Thanks @caseorganic !
06:22 <@robert_T> @caseorganic just read the article about you and @Geoloqi in UK WIRED magazine - VERY interesting stuff! You have email too :-)
09:18 <@tehgeekmeister> Automatically checked in from @geoloqi! (@ Cherry Street Coffee House) http://4sq.com/efBK4W
09:26 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
09:29 MarkDilley joined #geoloqi
09:44 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
10:10 <@caseorganic> @greengoose Congratulations on the investment! It's extremely well-deserved. Can't wait to pre-order a sensor pack to hook up to @geoloqi!
10:22 <@tehgeekmeister> Automatically checked in from @geoloqi! (@ Jigsaw Renaissance) http://4sq.com/ey1Y3S
10:38 <@PDXsays> A simple concept, a great idea. sensoring RT lifestyle impact. via @greengoose http://bit.ly/hr9hNR #badges? cc @geoloqi #cyborghomes
11:17 plamb joined #geoloqi
12:22 MarkDilley joined #geoloqi
12:40 <@johnnyfunk> More great news coverage for @caseorganic @aaronpk and @geoloqi. Who's does your PR? http://bit.ly/hXcIzi
12:54 <@PDXsays> @johnnyfunk Noir wanna be's @portlandmercury write up on @geoloqi as 1st person shooter long on navel lint, short on story cc @caseorganic
14:28 <@caseorganic> @CarlAlviani Yeah! @geoloqi will be improved and out of beta in time for SXSW and a lot better than it is right now though.
16:56 <@peterwooley> Heading to #wdim355! Track me on Geoloqi so I don't get lost in the Blizzard! http://loqi.me/CQRocmg
17:14 <@siberiancharm> @digiphile @hatchjt bit.ly | news.me | consmr.com | geoloqi.com | HearNear.org
18:04 caseorganic joined #geoloqi
19:01 <Loqi> 1 files modified in https://github.com/geoloqi/playground/commits/master by Reid Beels
20:20 MarkDilley joined #geoloqi
22:04 <@caseorganic> @peterwooley It was fun following you on @geoloqi tonight!
23:41 BigRedPimp joined #geoloqi
23:56 <@Johnwedderburn> Started playing around with @geoloqi but can't get SMS geonotes to work - anyone in Sweden using this app?