When I set trackerprofile mode as ROUGH , It dosenot return location/last?
  • Hi twaddington,

       In my application Geoloqi Sdk created on anonymous user and I have the access token of that user. When I am trying to qureying for the last location of the user using Geoloqi client libraries It returns  {u'error_description': u'This user has no recent location', u'error_code': 404, u'error': u'no_recent_location'}. But when I query for location history it returns  history. I set tracker mode as ROUGH.
      I don't know why I got like this?

    Please let me know whats happening.
    Thank you.

  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • What are you using to query the location/last and location/history responses? The Android SDK?
  • No we are using Geoloqi Client Library(Python).
    from geoloqi.geoloqi import Geoloqi
    g = Geoloqi(access_token="user-accesstoken")

    Its reponse is
    {u'error_description': u'This user has no recent location', u'error_code': 404, u'error': u'no_recent_location'}.


    if we query g.get('location/history') returns 10 records.

    Thank you very much.

  • I believe this is because location/last will not return "inaccurate" points, which you typically get with the Rough profile. 

    A workaround is to use location/history?count=1&accuracy=5000

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