Place Creation Suddenly Failing with 403
  • All,

    I know you are all incredibly busy, but I am in a real bind and need some quick help. We have a presentation Monday and our app is the centerpiece. 

    I was testing this morning and suddenly I am getting an access denied 403 error when creating places, which means I have no ability to create alerts. I see the init, location updates, successful layer subscription, and then when the user tries to create the place, I get the 403.  

    There have been no changes to my geoloqi code in several weeks, and everything was working as late as a few days ago. In fact, I just tested the same functionality on my wife's phone using a much older version of the app which I know worked, and no place was created.

    If I could please get some kind of assistance over the weekend from someone at Geoloqi, I would really appreciate it. I just need the places to get created and alerts and triggers to work again. 

    App Name: BairFinder
    Platform: iOS
    Geoloqi Titanium Module: Tested both 1.1 and 1.2
    LayerID: 3w6d

    account/profile (I assume this is from geoloqi.init)
    "user_id": "2XE7",
    "username": "_2SgbP1kA02xEYY_XG",
    "name": "",
    "display_name": "Anonymous",
    "bio": "",
    "website": "",
    "timezone": "UTC",
    "twitter": false,
    "profile_image": "",
    "is_anonymous": 1,
    "has_custom_username": 0,
    "has_push_token": 1,
    "public_location": 0,
    "public_geonotes": 1,
    "public_geonote_email": 1,
    "timezone_offset": "+0000",
    "email": "",
    "extra": {},
    "phone": ""

    account/set_apn_token response
    "push_badge": true,
    "device_id": "ad09e1856d4b82a6c339d38696bae529",
    "dev": "1",
    "push_alert": true,
    "push_sound": true,
    "token": "454180c04996bb896a97334f6816a502ed9e813b302add8becb5bf9d137f2c21"

    layer subscription response
    "layer_id": "3w6d",
    "subscribed": 1

    place/create request
    "name": "Lilac Street, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, 15217, United States of America",
    "longitude": -79.92926025390625,
    "latitude": 40.42350769042969,
    "description": "Bob Bigboy has been reported missing as of Fri Mar 15 2013 07:09:20 GMT-0400 (EDT)",
    "layer_id": "3w6d",
    "radius": 500

    I Uploaded a success log and failure log from TestFlight in case you needed more data

  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • We discussed this in IRC, here's the transcript from the logs:
  • Aaron and Patrick,

    Thanks much for the quick help on the Places issue. 

    As a quick workaround to get me through the presentation, I am going to:
    1) Delete the current hard-coded layer using the API Console
    2) Add code to create a new layer using my most recent user ID
    3) Hard code the new layer ID in the phone app
    4) Remove the code to create the layer 
    5) Distribute the app to my presenter.

    This should allow me to create the alerts I need as creator of the layer, and allow our presenter to receive the alerts for purposes of the demo.

    After the presentation, per Aaron's suggestion, I'll create a new web service that will receive the place/create calls and forward them to the Geoloqi API. I know this will tide us over, but hopefully in the not-too-distant future, we will be able to create a read/write public layer from the console or app settings page on Geoloqi and allow any user created with the app token to create places.

    Take care,

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