Subscribe an user in a layer.
  • Hi, i'm with some problem with rest api. I'm using iOS sdk to register an anonimous user, but i want to receive push notification in a layer i created, with some locations (create some triggers for those locations). But i can't receive it, because the user is not subscribe in this layer. So how can i subscribe him? 

    client_id, client_secret,layer_id,user_id

    and still get an Access denied to this layer.

    Also, i list my layers and see my layer is not subscribed. Take a look:

    layer_id": "9eq_",
    user_id": "fyT",
    type": "normal",
    name": "Locais2",
    public": 1,
    public_userlist": 0,
    icon": "",
    description": "Locais em Sorocaba",
    url": "",
    subscribed": false

    How can i fix that to receive the pushes?

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